Get Started

Ğ1 Currency is a way to rethink monetary systems. We encourage you to meet with other members to learn more about this new system as early as possible in your Ğ1 experience.
Cesium is an app for sending and receiving Ğ1 currency and managing your account. Download it and create a simple wallet. (a member wallet can be created later, if you decide to pursue this option).
Start offering goods and services online or at in-person events to receive some Ğ1 in your wallet. You can also post your offer on Gchange. Mention #Remote and #English, if there are no members in your area.
To become a member and start co-creating UD everyday, you must have your account certified by 5 other living women and men who are members. This minimises fraud in the Ğ1 system, and maximises community. No need to rush, your certifications will come naturally as you trade and meet with other Ğ1 users.

Follow these 4 steps in order. Take some time to read the instructions below. Please note that you can become a Ğ1 user even if you don't co-create UDs/Ğ1s yet. You can first start offering goods and services to the Ğ1 community and build your own social Ğ1 network, and then your certifications to become a Ğ1 co-creator yourself will come along naturally. If you are active in the Ğ1 Community, you don't even need to worry about becoming a Ğ1 co-creator. And that's how you will really be contributing in building a parallel economy centered on valuable exchanges between women and men.

1. Learn more and meet Ğ1 users

Browse the available resources

It's important that you take some time first to really understand how Ğ1 works. Walk, don't run. Most people get so excited when they discover Ğ1 and want to jump right in and become co-creators right away, but they miss the most important part; that Ğ1 is useless if there is nothing to exchange. So the focus should be more on how to create a parallel economy with valuable things to exchange between women and men. Also, some Ğ1 users like to say that this is just a gigantic experiment. So, if you are ready to be one of these pioneers paving the way for a better world, jump on board! First step is to learn about Ğ1 Currency, and there are plenty of resources on this website:

Connect with Ğ1 users


The main way to connect with Ğ1 users is on the Forum (which is mostly in French but an English one is coming soon!)

Events are listed on the Forum's calendar. Feel free to join in on any online calls (often called "visios" within the French community) or local events nearby you. If there are none, just start one!

English Ğ1 communities are poping up around the world and creating their own social media channels. Join the global, English speaking Telegram group to connect with some of these communities.

Find Ğ1 users, local groups and events on the Ğ1 Map

This map is only available in French for now, but it's easy to navigate for those that don't speak french; Click on the blue button Afficher les Membres to show Ğ1 users on the map; Click on Événements to show upcoming local events; Click on Groupes locaux to show local groups; Click on Membres certifiés to show Ğ1 co-creators and finally on Comptes portefeuille to show all Ğ1 users. Not too much to it...

2. Create your own Ğ1 wallet

Download a Client app

You need to create a Ğ1 Wallet to be able to receive and send Ğ1s to other Ğ1 users. You can download one of the Client apps, such as Cesium, and follow app instructions to create your wallet.

Create your wallet on Cesium

Cesium is an app for sending and receiving Ğ1 currency and managing your wallet. Download it and create a Simple wallet.
There’s a smartphone version, a desktop version and an internet browser extension of the Cesium app. The best way to proceed is to create your wallet on the desktop or extension app, and then use the smartphone app for future transactions. All the various app versions sync up together, allowing you to connect to your wallet from any device.

Wallet creation instructions
  • Open the app and click on CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT
  • Read the warning messages and click on START
  • Select Simple wallet
  • Choose an identifier and a password.
  • Beware that you won’t be able to recover or change them in any way after creating your account. Make sure they are complex enough not to be hacked too easily but easy enough for you to remember. Capital letters and special characters are useful but not mandatory.
  • Save your identifier and password in a secure place (on paper and on several of your devices) and make sure to remember where you put them because your won't be able to retreive them through the apps. There is no password recovery, so if you loose them, your account and your money will be lost forever.
  • Enter both your identifier and password twice and click on NEXT
  • Click on CREATE
  • Read the Licence, which is the contract with the rules you have to follow when you join the Ğ1 currency community and its Web of Trust. Then when you understand the terms and what you are committing to, click on I AGREE.
  • Log in to your new wallet using your identifier and password. This is a good way to test how well you remember your log in details. If you earned the green check mark next to your Public Key, you’re all good! Both your identifier and your password are used by the system's algorithm to generate your Public Key which is a series of letters, kind of like your public account number, that you will send to anybody who wants to transfer Ğ1 to your account in payment for whatever you sold them.

Fill in your profile
Once your wallet is created, you can click on Cesium + profile and add your personal information. It’s important to add your name (or avatar) and a picture so that you can see quickly if you are connected on the right account when you log in. It's also important to add your location so that other users can locate you on the map and get in touch with you if they live in the same area (enter your city or county in the localisation field).

How to use your wallet
Your public key is displayed on the My account page of the app. When you click on it, it automatically copies it so you can paste it in an email or any other messaging system.

An other important thing to understand is that everybody can access your information on Cesium. The Ğ1 currency is a transparent system, so you can access/view anybody’s information, account and transaction history. But nobody but you can manage your money! That is, whoever has your identifier and password has such privileges.

3. Trade goods and services

Start offering goods and services

Now you’re ready to exchange some Ğ1s but to do so, you first need to earn some by offering goods and services to other Ğ1 users.

It's important to understand that you don't need to be a Ğ1 co-creator to start to use your Ğ1 wallet. And actually, it's highly advised that you start exchanging goods and services to receive your first Ğ1s before you become a Ğ1 co-creator. It's a good way to get used to the Ğ1 ecosystem (apps, culture, etc.), as well as to create connections with existing Ğ1 co-creators who could later certify your wallet (which is how you become a Ğ1 co-creator).

Ğ1 is first and foremost a tool for exchanges. It can only be a successful currency if everyone using it is bringing value to it by exchanging what they have to offer. Everyone has something to offer to the Ğ1 community, whether it is something you produce or create, something you are good at or something you have to share.

Find a Ğ-event near you

The best way to do it is to find a local Ğ-event or Ğ-market in your area to meet other Ğ1 users and co-creators and exchange your goods and services with them. That way you will create your own local network of Ğ1 users which will be useful for you to get your wallet certified when the time comes, and you’ll make new friends, who are pioneers changing the world like you are. To find out about these events, check on the Forum's calendar.

If there’s no Ğ-event nearby, you can create your own, publish it on the Forum's calendar, invite your friends and share your knowledge about Ğ1 with them. You don't need to be an expert. It's ok to not know answers to every question. You can either research answers later or send people to the Forum for them to get their questions answered. Within no time, you can create a large new group of people in your area. Some Ğ1 users might even show up, and you can exchange goods and services with them. Read these FAQs if you are starting a Ğ1 group in a new area far away from existing groups of Ğ1 users: How to meet Ğ1 users or How to do if I am alone.

Use online marketplaces

There are also some online marketplaces where you can post what you offer in exchange for Ğ1s. You will be able then to spend your Ğ1 on these marketplaces. There are several registries of these online marketplaces: in the resources sections of this website, on, on this Forum topic, etc..

Here is a non exhaustive list of online marketplaces dedicated to exchanges of goods and services in Ğ1:
  • Ğchange: add #Remote and #English hashtags for remote offers if there’s no members in your area (alternative to Craigslist, Wallapop, Donedeal etc.)
  • Airbnjune: vacations accomodations and short term homestays (alternative to Airbnb)
  • Juneted: a second hand clothing marketplace (alternative to Vinted)

4. Become a Ğ1 co-creator

If you reached this step, it means that you have followed all the steps above and you are ready to become a Ğ1 co-creator, or you might even already be one thanks to all the connections you've made within the Ğ1 community. If you havn't followed these steps, then go back to the beginning and make sure to read and do everything mentioned. No need to rush, your certifications will come naturally as you trade and meet with Ğ1 users.

Understand the Web of Trust rules

To become a member and start co-creating a UD everyday, you must have your account certified by 5 other living women and men who are already Ğ1 co-creators. This minimizes the risks of fraud in the Ğ1 system, and maximises relations in the community.

A few points are important to understand before becoming a Ğ1 co-creator:

  • A Ğ1 co-creator can only certify one newcomer every 5 days. This means that if they want to certify you before these 5 days are over, they can do, but their certification of your account will only be effective after the 5 days lapse.
  • A certification one gives will be taken into account when the person they certified has all their 5 certifications validated.
  • Once the process is initiated by receiving your first certification, you have 2 months to have your account validated by 5 certifications.
  • You will have to renew your membership every year, and the start date of your membership is counted from the first certification you received.
A certification lasts for 2 years (unless your certifier loses their membership status for any reason, and you go under the number of 5 certifiers needed for you to become a member).

How to become a Ğ1 co-creator

To avoid wasting your energy seeking certifications, make sure to follow the steps hereafter, which will help make the process smooth and quick:
  • Collect certification promises from people you’ve met and you know (understand more about this process by reading the Ğ1 license), and that you can connect with easily by phone, email and/or social media.
  • Settle a date with them by checking thoroughly their certification availability.
  • Let them all know of this date and don’t forget to remind them when the day arrives.

What to do after becoming a Ğ1 co-creator

You can receive more than 5 certifications. The more, the better. It’s a proof that you’re active in the Ğ1 network, and you’ll be free from any concern of losing your membership status, by falling below the 5 certifications line.

Once you’re a Ğ1 co-creator, your wallet will create 1 UD everyday, without you having to do anything but to be alive, as well as being able to certify other Ğ1 users, strengthening and fortifying the Web of Trust in the process.