What is the exchange rate with fiat currencies (Ğ1/Euro or Ğ1/US dollars)?

Category Marketplace and how to use Ğ1

How much euro is 1 Ğ1 worth?

Difficult to say.

Firstly, Ğ1 is not the most convenient unit for comparing currency values. Indeed, as the amount of Ğ1 constantly increases in the system, with the daily creation of UD, the value of Ğ1 will tend to be lowered in comparison to all the other economic values. 

We shall instead look at the UD value. 

How much euro is 1 UD worth?

Very difficult to say as well. 

There are different ways to get an idea of its value: 

  • By comparing prices of sold items on ğchange to similar items on other online platforms selling it in euro, like Le Bon Coin in France, or Craigslist in America for example.
  • On the Forum: You can find topics in which authors explain how much Ğ1 they got by offering UNL (most of the time euros) in exchange. You can search for the topics like this one "Enchère: 50 UNL” in the French section, which means "bid 50 UNL", or "offer of 50 UNL in exchange for Ğ1s". 
  • On ğchange: You can look at closed ads by clicking on "advance search", then press the button "Display closed ads". Then, type "euro" or "UNL" in the search bar. Some ads that you could find here are some exchanges of euros for Ğ1 (or Ğ1 for euros) that occurred in the past.  

As an example: 

A new FairPhone 2 was sold in an auction for 13,000 Ğ1 on September 16th, 2018. Another one was sold for 12,048 Ğ1 on December 23rd 2018. Whereas, a brand new FairPhone's price is around €400 .

In terms of currency exchange, here are a few past currency exchanges that occurred between Ğ1 and euro:

DateContextBuyer of € Seller of Ğ1 Rate (Ğ1/€)
Oct 9th, 2017
Ad on ğchangecgeekUnknown150
March 23rd, 2018 Ad on ğchangeThierryMatiou, Lesipermanpot 10-30
Dec. 28th, 2018Ad on ğchangepersonneGabriel25
March 1st, 2019Bid on the monnaie-libre.fr ForumLooarnLucAstarius30
March 10th 2019During Festi’ June 2 in Mayenne, Francea lot of G1 usersLe Sou50
ContinuouslyShops, ğmarketsDjoliba (music store near Toulouse, France)Clients5, then 10
Monthly in 202150€ each month on ğchangeCukoland