Why is it called 'free/libre currency'?
In the Relative Theory of Money, Stéphane Laborde defines a libre currency as one that would respect the four following economical liberties:
1. The liberty to choose your monetary system
2. The liberty to use resources
3. The liberty to estimate and produce any economical value
4. The liberty to deal, count and display your sell prices using the money
A liberty will always imply non-harming yourself or others.
In a libre and ethical currency system, the creation of new money is in perfect proportion to the number of G1 co-creators within the Web of Trust (using a very specific formula), as well as ensuring the constant daily UD creation by all G1 co-creators, allows an individual to avoid being harmful to their contemporaries and for one generation to avoid being harmful to successive generations (to explore this topic more you can check the spatial and temporal parities as defined in the 'relative theory of money' (RTM)).
The four fundamental liberties of the libre currency take direct inspiration from those of the open-source software movement, as defined by Richard Stallman.
In French, the 'libre' currency is called a 'free' currency. Discover the meaning behind the words: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Galuel_RMS_-_free_as_free_speech,_not_as_free_beer.png?uselang=fr