
The Ğ1 Currency is carried by a collective of human beings. It does not belong to any 'official' organisation. There are a number of other websites that share various aspects of the Ğ1 Currency. This website has been designed for the public to understand the basics of the Ğ1 currency and how to get started. You are welcome to support or join the community of contributors: Whether by contributing on the Forum, joining the Translation Team, or discussing with contributors during Ğevents, etc.

Support Ğ1 contributors

Ğ1 Development Team
  • Ğ1 currency donations: 78ZwwgpgdH5uLZLbThUQH7LKwPgjMunYfLiCfUCySkM8
  • Fiat currency donations: You can donate to the crowdfunding for V2 of Ğ1 Currency (until the end of December 2022) here.
Ğ1 Node Forgers
  • Ğ1 donations: TENGx7WtzFsTXwnbrPEvb6odX2WnqYcnnrjiiLvp1mS
Ğ1 Translation Team
  • Ğ1 donations: 9LRf65yDRNWNo5EYRY3Le8gt38uBzj8Vm2WkyxJFw7Lv:4hD

Join us

This website is under the Licence Creative Commons CC by-SA Licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.