Duniter Translation (French to English)

Translation Progress 1-To be translated - who take the lead?
Item type External website content (Duniter, etc.)
Traduction progress details Pierre might be translating some

Help needed with translation on Duniter website : https://forum.duniter.org/t/migration-du-site-web-duniter-org-traduction-en-anglais-de-duniter-fr/9750/9
https://duniter.fr/blog/oxydation-duniter/ (interesting for sharing about G1 history, but not a priority. The scheme already exists in English)
https://duniter.fr/blog/gecko-presentation/ (important to talk about Gecko, but not a priority because they might write an article more up to date in French first)
https://duniter.fr/blog/financement-participatif/ (article mostly for the English G1 community that is really small for now, not that important to translate it, but if we do, it is the most urgent because the fund raising ends in december 2022
Other pages that might be changed in French but that can still be translated for now (small modifications might be coming up) :
https://duniter.fr/wiki/monnaie-libre/ (easy explaination of Relative Theory of Money)
https://duniter.fr/wiki/g1/ (Explaination of G1, very small paragraph but that's all they wrote for now)
https://duniter.fr/wiki/toile-de-confiance/ (idem)