Do I have to pay taxes when using G1?

Category Marketplace and how to use Ğ1

Every country has its own rules in terms of taxes. Check with your local tax institution to see what you are supposed to do.

To this day (2022), a few businesses in France have asked their local tax offices about what they are supposed to do when they sell their products in G1. The answer is unclear. The crypto world is pretty recent and the rules are changing fast. G1 currency seems to be considered as a cryptocurrency, therefore supposed to follow the tax rules for cryptocurrencies. Although, as there are no official exchange rate, it is quite complex for tax institutions to figure out how much should be taxed.

Some businesses have been told that if they sell a product, let's say a drum, in fiat currency and/or in G1 currency, then the value of this thing would be used to calculate the exchange rate, and they would be taxed in fiat currency based on that exchange rate. 

Some businesses are keeping track of their sales in G1 currency on a side accountancy file, and saving fiat currency on the side in case the tax ask them to pay it. 

To make it more comfortable for businesses to use G1 currency, a lawyer has been hired to figure the French taxes requirements for G1 currency. This could be done in other countries as well to clarify the tax requirement around the world, 

G1 currency is a system that questions the very use of taxes as this system is designed to be fair with every member co-create money. There is a big field of research to open on that matter. 

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